Cosmoworld - International Festival of Kavala
Cosmopolis Festival will realize a truly great event, from 25 to 29 August in the city of Kavala. People of Music and Art from all over the world, minding all the necessary sanitary restrictions, will gather in the city for four consecutive days. With colours, music, arts, flavours and traditions, the guest countries will converse in the common global language of culture, opening a great multicultural dialogue that starts from Kavala and reaches their own homelands.
Some of the most important artists of the Worldmusic scene will perform in the beautiful city centre; and in alternation with music concerts by highly talented local artists, will frame the concert agenda for CosmoConcerts 2021.
Important Notice: Delegations from the guest countries at Cosmopolis festival 2021, will take us on a journey through their distinctive flavours and offer us special souvenirs of their countries. Also, in collaboration with Zefyros summer movie theatre, distinctive films from each country will be presented for the cinema lovers.
*CosmoLights will be held in parallel. Creative projection mapping designers from all over the world will participate in the 2nd international competition Cosmolights that will take place during the Cosmopolis Festival 2021, aiming to connect the history and the unique architecture of the Municipal Tobacco Warehouse of Kavala with a special spectacle The events take place under the funding and the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
*As well as the innovative CosmoUpcyclePark, a new, innovative, theme park that comes to create an unexpected landscape in a familiar, public space, such as the central square of the city. It is a modern urban jungle, consisting of hundreds of plants and thousands of pallets, designed by the decorator Tasos Papadopoulos. Within it, ecology-themed activities will take place, such as workshops for children and eco-friendly product exhibitions accompanied by live music from popular city bands.
-The opening of Cosmoworld will take place on August 25th at the Akontisma Theatre, with the beloved band City of the Sun, who will come to amaze us with their musical sounds and their explosive live performance.
-The baton will be handed over to our own KolidaBabo, a project of two musicians who specialize in brass instruments, in the morning of the 26th at the Central Square. In the evening, the band Alias will perform covers from old blues songs, classic rock and rock n roll hits of the past decades.On the same day and a heartbeat away, Jaya The Cat, whose story could be a script from a well-written teenager movie will perform in the City Hall Garden. American by origin, they now reside in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Their band has evolved into a quintet and their tunes and reputation for crazy shows has now taken Europe by storm. In the historic Kamares of the old aquaduct, you will be greeted by Casentuli, a group of multi-instrumental musicians who have created a wide repertoire that includes Sicilian music, songs and dances.
-On August 27, in the Central Square, you will find «Echographia» a music and dance performance with music signed and performed live by musician and composer Dimitris "James" Basdanis and choreographed by dancer and choreographer Myrto Tasioula. In the evening you will be welcomed by PUROS, a four-member rock band from Kavala. In the Garden of the City Hall you will be welcomed by the musician and the singer Moura Tasias Toulouse. In the Garden of the Town Hall you will be awaited by "PastaTomato", founded in Kavala in 2013 by five musicians coming from different music scenes, with the common goal of creating a fresh and alternative musical proposal. Janusz Prusinowski, one of the main representatives of Polish traditional music, will be waiting for you in Kamares.
-On the 28th, at 11am in the Central Square, Paris Tsirtsis will present an atmospheric journey of electronic music with his personal works and not only, since his concert will include pieces by famous composers of the genre (JeanMichelJarre, Vangelis Papathanasiou - VANGELIS), as well as renowned classical works, suitably orchestrated and arranged. In the evening, "HOT STAFF", a five-member music group from Thessaloniki, will come to the stage, aiming to stir you up through the groovy paths of Funk, Soul, Disco, Pop & Rn'B music, with their own unique covers, timeless hits and contemporary releases. In parallel BAiLDSA, a balkanpunk n' roll band from Thessaloniki,will perform at the City Hall Garden. In Kamares, LA PORTEÑA Tango is coming this year to Cosmopolis, inviting all of us to participate in this wonderful celebration of Tango.
-On August 29 at 11 am, SinafiTrio will perform in the Central Square, consisting of three Greek female musicians who met in Istanbul in 2014. Having already spent seven years together in meyhane, music scenes and festivals in Turkey, Greece and abroad, they have created their own unique sound. In the evening, DEEP SOUL, a group of four musicians from Kavala, will come dynamically, with "black music", while in the Garden of the City Hall, the JazzQuintet "ChristosEl. Papadopoulos" from Thessaloniki will be performing. Lastly, in Kamares, with roots tied to the past and wings to fly towards the future... Entavia, a project born in Salamanca, built by like-minded musicians, will present rhythms of the region such as the charro, charrada and of course the jota, known throughout Spain.
We look forward to meeting you
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In the Footsteps of a Glorious City
An Imaret Experience