Every place has reasons to be proud. Sometimes they make a location famous. In Plomari, Lesvos, it is ouzo.
Nestled along the southern coast of Lesvos lies the charming town of Plomari. A delightful fusion of sea, sun, and picturesque landscapes, it boasts pebbled beaches, golden sands, quaint neighbourhoods and scattered small chapels. Above all, Plomari is renowned for its ouzo. Within the 1,632km2 of Lesvos, nearly 20 distilleries operate, accounting for over 50% of ouzo production in Greece. Along with Tirnavos in Thessaly, Lesvos proudly claims the heritage of ouzo, the how and why of this celebrated libation etched into its very geography. Together with retsina, ouzo has become a symbol embodying the essence of Greek culture.

Veiled in urban legends, the etymology of the word ‘ouzo’ remains shrouded, yet the words of an aged Mytilenian imbiber resonate; “Xoris afto, ou zo (Without it, I do not live).” Situated at the crossroads of East and West, 19th-century Lesvos drew commerce and expertise from the coastal towns of Asia Minor, Odessa, and Constantinople. This amalgamation of distinct tastes and passion for spirits met with bountiful vineyards and aromatic herbs of the island – products of its temperate climate. Beloved by the citizens of Mytilene, they carried this elixir on their voyages to far-flung destinations, enveloped in the essence of the land and the Aegean.

Nestled amidst the azure green beauty of Plomari, where the sea meets olive groves, ouzo production first took flight in the 19th century, persisting to this day in its cherished traditional forms. In the village, alongside esteemed lineages of distilleries like Barbayannis and Giannatsis, the museum of the Arvanitis family invites you on a voyage through the annals of the history of ouzo.

Explore the vessels and tools, witness the distillation process, and immerse yourself in the tactile and aromatic realm of the herbs, including the renowned Lisvori aniseed. Every element intertwines to create the essence of a beverage that encapsulates Greece. Ouzo thrives in the company of meze. In the cosy cafés and ouzo bars, you will savour a diverse tapestry of culinary traditions unlocking the ancient gastronomy of the island. Each delectable plate mirrors the rich history of the sea.
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